community Surveys

At key phases of the the General Plan Update process online surveys will be available to receive input from the community.

Preferred Land Use Alternative Briefing Book + Survey

Between January 13-February 17, 2021, the City of Palmdale hosted an online survey with an accompanying Briefing Book that detailed the preferred land use alternative for the City’s General Plan update. The online platform invited feedback on the preferred land use alternative which will ultimately become the City’s updated General Plan Land Use Map. The survey and briefing book was available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Paper copies were also distributed throughout the City.

Virtual Workshop + Survey

The second Palmdale 2045 Workshop was hosted virtually with an online survey available between July-August 2020. More details about the survey and results can be found on the Workshops tab by clicking here.

Community Survey #1

The first community survey was available online from April-August 2019. Below is a summary of the questions and responses.